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Analysing International Trade Data Using TradeSift (Introduction Course)
Course Structure
An overall Introduction to the Course and Structure
Your Essential Tools: Software, Licence and Data
Video: Getting Started (12:02)
Video: Project Explorer (6:48)
Your Checklist
Module 1: Introduction to TradeSift
Introduction to TradeSift: Key Features and Overview of Basic Operations
Video: How to Use and Analyse Your Trade Data (Trade Query) (9:30)
Video: Sort and Filter (10:51)
Exercise 1 - Partners, Products and Protection
Video: An Introduction to Trade Classification Schemes (12:30)
Module 2: Charts and Tables
Introduction to Charts and Tables
Video: Charts: Visualise Your Data (17:18)
Video: Tables (6:42)
Exercise 2: Charts and Tables
Module 3: Analysing Trade
Introduction to Understanding Trade Indicators
Video: Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) (9:19)
Exercise 3: Competitive Exports
Video: Finger Kreinin Index (FKI) (8:03)
Exercise 4: Trade Similiarity
Video: Trade Concentration Index (TCI) (7:11)
Exercise 5: How Diversified is Your Trade?
Module 4: Using and Downloading Additional Data
Introduction to Using and Downloading Additional Data
Video: Downloading Data (17:31)
Video: Downloading Tariff Data (8:52)
Wrapping Up Your Course
Reviewing Your Course Learning
Evaluation Questionnaire
Exercise 2: Charts and Tables
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